Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Homeopathic HCG: A Diet That Works?

6-28-11 4pm Loaded!

Fat Loading? The idea is to saturate your body with fat (inside and out!) which will be burned off quickly once the Low Calorie portion of the diet is underway. By loading up on fat, as the HCG Drops begin to take effect, hunger is additionally minimized due to the burning up of the storehouse of fat accumulated during the two days of “fat loading”. By then, the “fat reserves” (those places that never seem to go away with “regular” dieting) have been “unlocked” and you begin to burn them for fuel. Sounds good, so far.

Two days of cramming as much fat and oil into my body (and smearing it on, too!) as I can? It sounds like a Blubber Bacchanal! A Fat Fiesta! I am excited to see how I do with a diet so rich in fat. I stay up late and make two batches of homemade ice cream using ALL heavy whipping cream. French Vanilla and Triple Chocolate. OK, I can do this! LOL

First Loading Day: When I read that some people may experience “flu-like” symptoms from all the fat they are eating, I thought, “Poppycock! I am the Fat Eater of All Fat Eaters! I am the Queen of Cream, the Duchess of Drippings, the Butter Babe! I LOVE fat! Two whole days when I get to eat all I want- YES! I’m sure I’ll feel FINE!”

Well….UGH. I just got up from a two hour nap. I have no energy and feel real sluggish and spaced out. I DEFINITELY don’t feel like eating! I’ve just taken my fourth round of drops and while they “settle” I need to figure out what I can convince my poor beleaguered body to eat next.

I have no shortage of options. Yesterday, I piled the shopping cart high with fat rich delights such as heavy whipping cream, butter, sour cream, cheese puffs, triskets, bologna, heavy whipping cream, mayonnaise, avocado, lard, full-cream ice cream, macadamia nuts, donuts, cheese pizza, salami and did I mention heavy whipping cream? Writing the list now makes me feel like I want to heave-

Slathering my freshly showered body with jojoba oil this morning was a rare (and slippery) treat. My thirsty skin drank it in. I ate two donuts with my coffee (and cream) followed by a hearty breakfast of butter-soaked pancakes and bacon. I skipped the eggs in favor of a couple of handfuls of macadamia nuts with my tea (and cream) a short while later. For a snack, I enjoyed(?) a mug of hot chocolate made with chocolate bars and my new best friend, heavy whipping cream. I did add a dash of milk so that I could actually drink it.

Subsequently, I began to burp a lot and feel a bit nauseous and a nap seemed be the next logical move. I retired as quickly as I could manage. Rolling around on my bed, I felt a bit like a beached whale that had overindulged in krill (and heavy whipping cream!). I focused my mind on the picture of all my fat cells getting dutifully saturated before the big assault on their population. I managed to sleep and thankfully, didn’t dream about fat laden foods!

Well, I don’t feel as feverish as I did. Perhaps the last dose of drops helped… I wonder if I can manage some cheese now, or one of those avocados with bacon? Shut up, I don’t even want to talk about the pizza!

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